Charting a New Journey

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Change I Need to Believe In

I grew up with a personality that you might say had a stick in its butt. Even just a few years ago I remember someone looking at me on new year's and saying I was most likely to not get drunk that night.

I have fought this uptight personality I believed I obtained from my family. I have tried to be more laid back and fun. I thought if I could change I'd make more friends and be closer to people. Well, those goals haven't been accomplished. I mean, I'm probably a lot more social than I used to be, but I am not meeting my goal of getting close to people. I'd like to have close friends and be better liked.

One of the reasons I have not sought to become a politician is that I am not well liked enough. Not only did I have the uptight thing against me, but I was very robotic and unemotional growing up. I rub people wrong and I know that I couldn't make a career of being liked when I can't even do that well in my own group of friends.

Fast forward to today. I seem to have missed whatever happy medium there should have been and gone straight to the irresponsible opposite extreme. Reflecting on the comments I get from people now suggests that I'm more of a dramatic alcoholic than an uptight robot. This is not good news.

First of all, it's hard to accept. I have a hard time believing it after thinking of myself as the opposite my whole life. Also, I suspect there's more to it all. I think someone I'm still uptight, yet I'm now also irresponsible, drink too much, and don't respect people's boundaries enough. I annoy people. Apparently these weren't opposite qualities where I couldn't be both.

I need to test this out. It's hard to get a straight answer from people about your negative qualities because people always think the truth is insulting and not tell you, but I'll do what I can to verify this and then work to change. Maybe I really do try too hard and I will be able to connect with other people better if I am less emotionally open and less loose. I should drink less and respect other people's boundaries more I guess. These ideas are not sitting well with me right now. They don't feel true. Ideas? Suggestions?

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  • Maybe I ignored the biggest thing I need to change. This know-it-all opinionated thing I have.

    But I don't know that I have it. Until I recognize it it'll be hard to change. I had better find a way.

    By Blogger MarkJD, At Thursday, October 09, 2008  

  • Learning to listen better has been suggested. That seems like a good place to start.

    By Blogger MarkJD, At Thursday, October 09, 2008  

  • How about seeing a counselor? You said friends are hesitant to share their observations with you for fear of offending you. But a counselor is trained to make those observations and share them in a helpful manner. Just a thought.

    By Blogger Lisa, At Friday, October 10, 2008  

  • If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that you were a friend of mine.

    He's this successful business guy who is just missing something. He has a lot he wants to change; his drinking, smoking, etc. And he has brief attempts at it. Then,he falls off and starts again. He often says he thinks he'd do better if he had 'someone to care about'. He's the smartest guy I know in his field..just not at making himself happy.

    I think you're fine with yourself...and the way you are, because you probably respect your family, and that's where you got this 'personality' of yours.

    One thing to ask yourself is what kind of people you want to attract. And be that kind of person. If you want an over-emotional person who drinks, then be that. If you want a nice person who isn't judgemental then be that. Be whatever you want to attract.

    By Blogger Katie, At Monday, October 13, 2008  

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