Charting a New Journey

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So I was tagged. Blogging is just another attempt to be social to me, so I will not turn this down. tagged me, so I'll try to respond.

Here be the rules, yo!

1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I'll attempt to follow the rules. But I'm about to go to sleep and I don't have any weird things about myself or anyone to tag. Hmm, 7 things...

1) Seriously, I'm trying to come up with one weird or obsessive thing I do. Maybe I obsessively avoid being obsessive. I have nothing. I am not quirky. If it doesn't make sense I don't do it. I am meticulously rational, so I'll just name some less common things that I do. I know that the topic is more weird things and random, but I wanted to follow in the thread of what Katie posted. Her 7 were quite interesting and I liked them.

2) I mentally prepare for things before I do them. My mind likes to stay one step ahead of what I'm doing so that I am extremely efficient. For instance, I'm taking my seatbelt off before my car stops and I've got everything in my hand before I've even gotten the car off and opened the door. I can probably do a getaway or escape from a car as fast as anyone.

3) I can't do this. It's just not what I want to write right now, so this'll really just be a link to Katie's blog.


  • Decent Attempt... I will NOT let you punk out on this one though. When you're ready to write this, you will. :P

    Thanks for the compliments, homeboy :)

    By Blogger Katie, At Thursday, October 23, 2008  

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