Charting a New Journey

Thursday, October 16, 2008


What's your typical week like? What should it be like? What do you most want to change?

I tend to spend Sundays watching football and drinking beer. Monday I get up at 7am, shower and go to work. Get home at 5pm, check my online social networks, and go out drinking with friends or play dodgeball (I'm between seasons right now). Tuesday I repeat the same routine, only it's trivia night at the bar after work. Wednesday I might stay home to clean and watch TV/internet with the roommates, but often we end up going for drinks at Barfly's. Thursday is volleyball night. Friday there's always a party of some kind. The usual crowd picks one of our houses because it's someone's birthday, national talk like a pirate day, moving-in or some other excuse. Saturday I get to sleep late (I work M-F 8-5) and then wake up to work out, watch UT play football, then head to some larger party. Sunday I do laundry and watch the NFL (yes, I even play fantasy football). I also brew my own beer now on the weekends. I find time to read between events once in a while.

There are many new things I want to do, but I also wish I had a lot more free time. On my to do list are volunteering for some organization, wine tastings, some form of vacation or day trip, and finding some kind of time to meet new people and date. But the dating thing is not so much a matter of time as needing interest from someone else.

It feels like a good balance to me, but I'm not completely happy. My personal connections with friends aren't as close as I want. I wonder how I can change my schedule to fix that...


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