Charting a New Journey

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Short Story

Lately, short stories have grabbed at my brain strings. The genre doesn't have the time and space to lay out a world for the reader. Instead it is forced to pick one character with one particular feeling and convey that as powerfully as possible. This leaves the short story most often focusing on loneliness. There is a common theme of looking at society from the outside.

In many ways I identify with these feelings, though for the most part I think I have few similarities with any of the characters described in these stories. I would dislike these characters. It can be seen from my blog that I have spent the last year begging the world to tell me what's wrong with me. I am not currently going vegan, I already lost the weight and got into shape as much as I wanted, I found financial stability and started a retirement account... so I shifted my focus to more interpersonal issues. I like to solve problems and having fulfilled every other possible New Year's resolution-ish goal, I decided to find out how I can be one of those people that seem to be loved by everyone.

It is a lofty goal. It is one I was not able to solve on my own. So I began asking people. Everyone. I framed it in the sense that there's something wrong with me. Because perfection is a lack of flaws. Yes, I have a critical outlook on life. Reading these stories gives me some perspective though. I'd lost a lot of perspective in the last year when I telescoped in on this one issue while ignoring everything else. It's something I could afford to do because, like I said, I'd already accomplished all my other goals and wanted to solve this issue. The rest of my life didn't have problems to work on.

Sometimes I really like being reminded of the big picture though. It's too easy to adjust my emotions and expectations to those I feel will most motivate me to become the kind of person that is loved by all. Of course I don't literally mean "all," but I haven't gotten really close to anyone in a while. I don't just mean that romantically. These short stories I'm reading remind me that some people have issues beyond "the tons of friends I have didn't invite me to this one party" blah blah blah. Other people have health issues, or can't pay rent, or have crotch monsters growing in them.

So while I still wish to know how I can become the kind of person others want to be close to, I shall be more patient and keep persepective better. So far most people have said my whining is the biggest problem, but that wasn't there before the problem. A few people have told me that my blunt, opinionated thing turns a lot of people off. They're probably onto something. And while some people have warned me about coming on too strong, I still feel that I am more detached and don't act as the emotional aggressor often enough. I had a few first dates this last week and I'm probably not calling as often as I should or being as complementary as most people. Not stressing about dates or calling them back fast enough is just another sign that I have a busy life full of great things that I should appreciate more. Health, wealth, and very creative and social friends. Love will come eventually.


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