Not sure I mentioned this before
I try to keep this separate from my myspace blog. There is a battle. Like the epic battle coming between ninjas and pirates. Only this one is tiny. It's within my head. Between whether to post here or on Myspace. I don't want the blogs to be duplicates. So I decide where each blog belongs. Often they relate, but are different. Usually this one is more of an emotional outpouring while the other is updates on my life.

So I wanted to point out the other while I remember that I had such a dilemma. The blog tonight fits here well, but I have more familiar readers on Myspace so it went there. But you gotta have an account and be my friend. Still, could be worth it. The music on my page is pretty good shit. Check it out.

So I wanted to point out the other while I remember that I had such a dilemma. The blog tonight fits here well, but I have more familiar readers on Myspace so it went there. But you gotta have an account and be my friend. Still, could be worth it. The music on my page is pretty good shit. Check it out.
I hate Myspace :P
But I'll be there to read you!
Katie, At
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Aww, thanks.
And how/why can you hate it? People need to stop the hating. It's way better than facebook and it's evil apps.
MarkJD, At
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I thought you were trying to keep your MySpace and blog separate b/c of drama at work?
Lisa, At
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I prefer to call it Evil Dot Com.
So many people misuse that place that its ridiculous. Relationships are torn apart, etc. Though I wasn't using it for anything other than blogging, I just got tired of it. MySpace has apps now! Haha.
I like Facebook Apps. Well, some of them. The flair? Come on! How can you not love that?
And can I just say WOW? Your Myspace Blogging and your "here" blogging are so different. It's so funny! :)
Katie, At
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
t's funny that this one is "public" but impossible to find and the other can be found easily, but is private.
I don't think the separation has anything to do with work. It's just that I don't want to bug my friends online who already think I'm sappy or emo with this kind of blogging.
MarkJD, At
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
haha your friends think you're emo. That's funny!
Katie, At
Friday, August 01, 2008
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