Charting a New Journey

Monday, June 23, 2008


Well I've been pretty down lately. I'm glad I'm in Austin because I tend to stay busy and have things to do to distract myself, but work is horrible because I'm surrounded by people who are friends with each other but dislike me. Also, I have no dating/romantic life. It's been almost a year since I've even kissed a girl. Ridiculous.

That's all, just gonna point that out. Not many read this and the solution is for me to read and comment more on other people's blogs, but I don't have time lately. Maybe soon.


  • Ah, so you are alive. Not that I have any room whatsoever to talk about that.

    Anyway, keep your head up, enjoy the summer months. I don't know if I even mentioned that I came out to the Austin Area about a year ago... I didn't get out much but it was interested. MUCH different than Jersey, that's for damn sure

    By Blogger Katie, At Tuesday, June 24, 2008  

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