Charting a New Journey

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Albatross lifted

It seems to me that not understanding a situation leads to drama. The typical example of this for me is a breakup. If you don't know why it ended it is VERY hard to move on. Even if you can't know you have to at least pick this place in your head where you have a certainty that you've done everything you need to. A certainty that it's over. It is hard to be certain when you don't understand what happened.

Usually I advise people when getting over a relationship to give up all hope. This is very difficult so for those unwilling I suggest a time limit and series of steps to take that try to revive the relationship. If those steps fail THEN you have to give up all hope that anything could ever work out between you two. Once all hope is gone the emotions go with it. There's nothing difficult to deal with anymore. You instantly move into "moving on" mode. As Tyler Durder says: "Losing all hope is freedom."

So that somewhat relates to me having a bit of a crush lately. I've not been letting myself give up on that and it's caused a lot of the drama mentioned in the last post, but really I brought this topic up about the work event a month ago. The one where a coworker made up a claim against me to try to get me fired. It was out of nowhere. The anger at me one day seemed to have no cause to me. I have been baffled for a month. In that last month I have seen similar completely irrational anger at our supervisor for things like e-mailing us "Please forward waivers from people who represent themselves to the court." That's about as innocent as a message can get and yet she walked into my office to talk to an office mate of mine is a speechless rage because of that e-mail. He is the only other male in the office.

After this many months I'm comfortable saying that she has serious psychological issues towards men and it wasn't anything I did. Her constant irrational outrage at the boss is a good example of the irrational anger she probably harbors for me behind my back.

Anyway, that's a weight off me so I wanted to share. I'm happy to know this. I feel bad for her though. I'm glad I'm getting away from her, but her dad is probably the source of her feelings. She's mentioned him being crazy before.


  • Ah, the human need for closure. It's a beautifully tragic thing. Giving up hope is a good idea, but its so hard. I'm just letting myself feel the emotions; Sad, Angry, Homicidal. I figure if I need an attorney, will, you know, I'll make you do it. Kidding, of course :)

    But I'm glad the venting helped you. And it seems like that woman could use some therapy. There are a lot of daddy and parents-in-general issues behind a lot of society's biggest headcases. Sad.

    By Blogger Katie, At Monday, May 12, 2008  

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