Charting a New Journey

Sunday, April 13, 2008

My Writing Style

I do not have much background in writing. I never paid much attention in English or cared about my particular "style" since I tend not to have the patience to create art. But here I am, writing, so I shall attempt to notice and improve my style as I put my words to paper/blog. If nothing else this will teach me patience.

Stylistically I enjoy Chuck Palahniuk's writing a great deal. He is a minimalist who attempts to list facts in a concise way instead of spilling pages of description out. Surprisingly, the other books I read tend to be fantasy novels that are incredibly long with enormous amounts of description and philosophy interjected into the plot. I will attempt a more minimalist style in my writing.

On a more substantive note I feel I should point out that my blogs may not match my public perception. I have been told that I'm rather emotional in blogs and those that know me well are either surprised or find it whiny. I tend to be happy and unflappable in person.

I am not sure why I am more expressive online, but in person I often tread with great caution around other people. I am very open and honest, but other people seem to find many ideas offensive when shared openly. You can't just walk up to someone and advise them as to how to improve their lives even when you could easily help. This is an odd concept to me, because I'd welcome anyone, even strangers, walking up to me and giving me advise. If someone gave me fashion tips I'd be thankful because I am aware of my fashion ignorance. If someone pointed out flaws that I was not aware of I would be glad to learn of that problem so that I could start to improve that aspect of my life.

I imagine that I have a million areas of my life that can be improved and I don't believe that that those problems make me a bad person. Most people seem to think they're almost perfect, so any advise on improvements implies that they are bad people or that they are disliked. In order to avoid offending people I try not to get into such topics with them. Try is the key word there, because my natural instinct is to constantly be trying to improve things (not just my own life but to kindly offer tips to others because I wish they would do that to me).

And there's an additional problem with that. I'm very blunt. I'm working on it. With enough explanation and kind words surrounding advise people can become receptive. Anyway, in the end my goal is not to offend people. I don't care if they take my advise, I just have an instinct to offer it because I want more tips on how to improve my life. People are VERY hesitant to just look at someone and say "you wear pants that are too big" or "you need to say hi more often and use some deodorant" etc.

So, in that vein, never hesitate to criticize, advise, or edumacate me on any ideas that pop into your head about me. Whether positive or negative I'd love to gain more perspective on myself.


  • Most of the time you find people that say

    A) I'm the greatest, and there's no topping me

    B) I totally suck. I hate myself.

    It's always nice to see that people are looking for critical remarks too. It's a rarity these days to actually find someone who wants to better themselves and they realize that they aren't "the greatest" and they recognize their flaws. It's very admirable.

    Keep writing. You've got this knack that I cant put my finger on just yet. Thanks for all of your helpful comments as well.

    Looking forward to your next one.

    By Blogger Katie, At Monday, April 14, 2008  

  • Thanks. I love to get this kind of perspective. I had hoped I was more together and moderate than most.

    I hope that what draws you to my writing is a fearless, open, honest, and deep introspection into myself.

    I try to get at the deeper issues that drive me, and I believe everyone else, and I am very open about how much such issues puzzle me. Yet I'm confident that I'm doing well in life and can solve such issues.

    At least, I feel I'm doing well in life since I'm happy and that's what it's all about for me.

    By Blogger MarkJD, At Monday, April 14, 2008  

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