Charting a New Journey

Monday, April 14, 2008

Something more present day

Romance, I can't escape it. Love really. I'm not super romantic, but I am all about love. If I were more romantic love would be easier for me, but I'll work on it. Any tips for that? I should read some books.

Anyway, that's always on my mind. I'm quite happy in life right now. I have a lot of things to do each night and many great friends that keep me busy, but still I'd like to fall in love again. I'd like to at least know that I can.

This topic comes up because I have a bit of a crush again. I say again because it's my second since Andrea. It would be ideal to have crushes on people I'm dating so that things could progress, but I tend to aim above my reach I guess. So it's not a big deal, but I am torn about whether to discuss such things. Sometimes I identify with Ron Burgundy and want to scream my interest from the highest mountain. Other times I feel that revealing my interest can only cause harm and make things awkward. If I had to guess I'd think I'm more on the timid side and screaming my interest would be an improvement.

In case you didn't pick up on the "above my reach" comment, it's a one-sided interest. Still, finding two worthwhile people to be interested in within a half year is good news. Even that 0 for 2 without even a date rate could turn out well for me after a couple years. I often have to convince myself that I don't need to date constantly like others seem to on TV and like most dating advice implies should be happening. I myself am convinced that it's a numbers game, but still I am so cautious.

I could talk forever about dating, but I don't mean to. It's not really a part of my life. It's something I bring up in blogs BECAUSE it's not part of my life. I have a lot of fun activities and great friends that fill my time. I just constantly seek the things that will improve my lot the most. I always want to solve problems. Learning to date is my ongoing problem.

This is that stuff I wrote before that seems emotional or whiny. I should keep it in my head and seek my own solution, but I can't keep my thoughts from pouring out. I always want to share my thoughts.

Other topics then... volleyball was fun tonight. This was the first game of sand volleyball in a league I joined. I suck, but I like my team. They seem fun. We lost badly, but we played well. I have no complaints. I don't know what else to talk about now. I'd mention some job stuff, but that was the point of deleting my old blog. To keep such things from being public knowledge. Man keeping secrets bugs me. Open honesty is what keeps people from doing bad things. I know it works on me. I have no secrets. If I'm doing bad things in life, it's because I don't know that they're bad. It's not because I know it and keep them secret.

I'm rambling now, so I'll stop. Any books to suggest on how to attract more interest and get more dates? On how to be more attractive in general so that one of these crushes I get one day will like me back? My Chemical Romance is playing while I type this, heh.


  • I get crushes easily. It's ridiculous. I think it's because in school, I was more of the "School work, smart" type, so boys didn't spark my interest. My family probably thought I was a lesbian of sorts. So, now I'm making up for all of the lost time. I get these crushes on old men that work with me though, so it's probably more of a deprivation factor, since I'm not with anyone anymore.

    THAT being said, I think you prompted a glimpse into the female mind. Though it could be into the mind of anyone in general, I think female mind might work best for this. And ...well, despite my manly preferences in beverage, you are trying to attract FEMALES, I gather, so I think I might be able to assist.

    I don't think there's a way for you to appear more attractive. (Wow, that sounds like a cheesy pickup line.) However, it's the truth. You're 28, you have your head on straight, and you don't seem desperate for a girlfriend. And from what you've described, you're really not desperate, so it's really easy for you to appear that way, because it's the truth.

    Now, of course this is limited to "my" point of view. Different females will want different things. But I think if you just remain the same, then you'll attract a decent female, or at least one you'll be compatible with. After all, you want them to be attracted to who you are. So, cliche as it might sound, Just Be You, and a girl won't help but to be attracted to you.

    But, if I think of any other tips or tricks, then I'll be sure to share them. I am limited however, because I only know you via words, not through seeing you and how you function.

    By Blogger Katie, At Tuesday, April 15, 2008  

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