Charting a New Journey

Monday, May 26, 2008


It was incredible. I don't have the patience to write about it now, but I loved it. Being in a society without money where everyone is sharing seems to make everyone extremely friendly and social. It's a MUCH better way to live. I'll find the time and patience to write all about it soon, but for now have a couple crappy pictures I took the first day. The good pics I'll have to get from others who kept using their cameras.

I really don't think most people understand the culture of the people who go to the event. Most people are so focused on security that they never open up, take time to be creative and fun, or just to get to know their fellow man better. All that time wasted on tv, makeup, cleaning, etc. was pretty much thrown into meeting great people and making something creative. Whether that's music blasted from a pyramid, a bar made out of plywood, or a sock puppet theater. Everyone had some great new way to enjoy life. I can't think of anything to compare it to. These pictures really don't show anything that happened, just what the ephigy and creek looked like long before the event really got going.


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