More Work Shit
So I threw my pen at the wall at court today. A fiery coworker said I was acting more like her and angry for once. I think I was just throwing a pen like I always do. But the memory came up just now. I'm home and considered breaking a pen I have sitting here in front of me out of anger. Then I said "this is kind of a neat pen" and grabbed a coathanger. I was laughing at myself for bending a weak-ass coathanger, but I even stopped THAT when the paint was peeling off. I stopped the expression of my anger to avoid getting paint chips on my carpet.

Never before have I felt more like Jack with a gun barrel in his mouth wondering how clean the gun is.

I have tried for years to be laid back. To learn to be tolerant and liberal. To get past my parents and family's conservative issues. But all I've done is learn to accept others. I have not learned to make myself more open and expressive. I don't let myself go. Yet I try so hard. I just want to know how...

Never before have I felt more like Jack with a gun barrel in his mouth wondering how clean the gun is.

I have tried for years to be laid back. To learn to be tolerant and liberal. To get past my parents and family's conservative issues. But all I've done is learn to accept others. I have not learned to make myself more open and expressive. I don't let myself go. Yet I try so hard. I just want to know how...
So, is this your way of admitting that you don't even have a stand on anything...? You just adopt others opinions and views as your own? If so, WELCOME! This is exactly how I lived most of my life...
Its also possible that you have your own views and beliefs and you know what they are, you just never really pay any attention to them....
Either way, I think it would be worth it for you to be more like someone.... BE MORE LIKE YOU!!
Katie, At
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How do I do that?
MarkJD, At
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Find out who you are... what do YOU like? What do YOU want to do? Do you want to be in the field that you're in...? Find out who you are, then you can attract people like you.
Katie, At
Monday, July 28, 2008
I like people. Human company. It's a generic enough thing that I try to make myself universal and fun instead of trying to have a particular style or temperament. I mean, I don't like everyone equally, but I do want to have a large group of friends.
There are people I admire most who seem like what I want to be. I attempt to make myself into a more social and fun person each day, I'm just not sure it's been working.
Maybe it is and my expectations are rising too fast though. I do seem to be very social here in Austin. Still, I'd like more deep friendships and connections. I hope that moving will help with that.
MarkJD, At
Monday, July 28, 2008
Moving could help, new people, new connections. You could look at it as you being very selective. I'm sure there are people you could just pick up off of the street and have a relationship with, but at least you have standards.
Katie, At
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
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