Charting a New Journey

Saturday, August 09, 2008


It has been a busy week. I wish I could have written this while I was on the road in the midst of these feelings. I was pumped up. It was "drunk dial" time even though I hadn't been drinking. Often, when in a great mood, I feel the need to share those feelings. To get them out. I guess even bad emotions are the same. Emotions beg for release. So I called lots of people on my way home from Houston. As I often do after a great night out drinking. The "drunk dial" for me has always been trying to let out the high energy happy or bad feelings. Usually in a very funny way.

So, the story begins with the fact that I was listening to "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac on an audio cd. Amazing book. I love the idea of travel in general because of the perspective it can give me on life. Much like the movie Fight Club it shows me that I'm often, like most people, lost in some details like clothing, cleanliness, or jobs while I ignore all the big picture stuff like health, life, and happiness. Traveling lets you compare yourself to the world instead of your coworkers and others just like you. Suddenly you don't want the best car in the office, instead you're just amazed that you own a car at all. It is a great feeling.

That book inspires that feeling in me. Not just that, but I LOVE the character of Dean Moriarty. He loves all of life. Lives it to the fullest. High energy and he digs everyone and everything. Instead of thinking rednecks are ignorant hicks he loves people of all types and is completely fascinated by their differences. It is how I want to view life. Constantly in awe of everyone and everything. As happy as a kid in a candy shop.

So with that in mind I went to my high school reunion Friday night. It was awesome. Everyone was amazingly nice and memories came flooding back. It was hysterical that there was an after party at someone's parents' house while the parents were out of town. AND we ran out of beer there, hah. So much fun. We stayed out past 5am. Then Saturday I had a great lunch with a friend and headed back to Austin with this amazing high from all the energy. I love being around people and experiencing new things. I got home, went to Rick's final party before he moved out of his old place (which was a blast except that Rick was being a downer so I left).

Then Sunday I moved all day. TONS of work in the incredible heat. But it all paid off. I'm now living in a house with roommates and it's been great. I hope to finish unpacking one day. USA played a great basketball game this morning. Olympics have begun. That's it that's new with me. Times are good.


  • Saturday night, a bunch of my high school friends and I got together, shared some drinks and laughs and memories. It was a wonderful feeling, reminds me of times when things were easier (or at least seemed that way)

    By Blogger jamie, At Thursday, August 21, 2008  

  • My favorite parts of your blogs (other than the content)

    are the pictures you post. I know you use Google Images or Photobucket or something. It gives me a laugh everytime :)

    By Blogger Katie, At Friday, August 22, 2008  

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