Charting a New Journey

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I don't think that I drink too much. But sometimes others think I do. My usual things to look for in evaluating this are does it affect my health, is my job in jeopardy because of it, do I drive drunk or engage in risky/harmful behaviors, am I losing friends, etc. None of that is happening.

Still, I've been drunk 3 times already this year (once was New Year's). That is a lot to me. Granted, they were times that I wasn't driving home, but still. I'd rather not have those nights I don't remember. So maybe no more beer pong for me. No power hours with barley wine. It's not that bad, and I do want to keep enjoying my youth and freedom while I'm single and in my 20s, but I was way too drunk recently. Oh beer pong, how I will miss thee.

2 years at my job now. It feels bad because I know the only reason I'm here is that I can't get a better job. I've been looking. I shall keep looking. I think I'm settling in on the idea of a Mustang convertible. Now the question is whether to get new or used. The 2010 model has some improvements to it that make me want new. I could get a GT if I bought used. Hmm.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


I probably need to find a new group of friends. It's difficult because I tend to take the blame for them disliking me upon myself and think that I can just change. That I can fix whatever I do wrong. Also, I like my friends right now. They're very fun, creative people.

But they don't like me much. I am often not invited to things and shit is talked behind my back. It's sad. The people I'm closest to in this world I rarely hang out with. Because I'm barely friends with even those people. I think I became busy hoping to make friends and be popular, but now I stay busy just to avoid being at home alone thinking about these kinds of things.